On this International Women’s Day, we have so many women to celebrate we can’t begin to name them all. Women who have stood tall and shared their strength with us, powering our efforts and breaking through challenges our communities face. We want to take a moment to acknowledge all the women who fundraise, advocate, volunteer and deliver on our mission daily, as well as all of the brave women and girls we serve.

Meet Veronica Lewis, Director of HOPICS, a partner organization of United Way of Greater Los Angeles that provides health, housing and other services to our homeless neighbors. Veronica has stood with United Way time and again, including at our first Everyone In pop-up event and alongside our CEO Elise Buik on FOX 11’s “In Depth.”

Veronica has spent the greater part of her life working to educate, empower and provide resources to underserved youth and families. After earning her masters in Public Administration from California State University, she began her work a leader in serving our vulnerable neighbors.

Veronica Lewis

Veronica developed the one-of-a kind SPA6 Family Crisis Housing Network to provide short to medium term crisis and bridge housing for families working toward permanent housing. In the last six years, her leadership at HOPICS has led to 2000 families experiencing homelessness receiving permanent housing. Currently, an additional 700 families (totaling 2100 people, including 1300 children) are in HOPICS interim / bridge housing. She’s also headed up initiatives for our neighbors within the justice system and created a new service position that helps to manage substance abuse disorders, which has been adopted by L.A. County and other service agencies.

Veronica represents a myriad of incredible women who stand with us in our mission to end poverty and homelessness. We are honored to have all of your support and to learn from your powerful examples.